24 Hour Wallpaper Version 6 Beta
Thank you for participating in the 24 Hour Wallpaper beta. We greatly appreciate your feedback and help with perfecting this release. You should have received an invitation from Apple TestFlight which will enable you to access the beta. If you did not, you can use the link below.
TestFlight Install Link - https://testflight.apple.com/join/OW9iNMED
There are currently 10 new wallpapers in the beta and we expect to add 10 more over the next two months. Keep checking the What’s New tab as we release additional updates through TestFlight.
Please e-mail us at contact@jetsoncreative.com with any feedback, bugs, ideas, or other issues you encounter in the beta. We want to hear from you about what you think about the update.
Known issues:
When changing spaces wallpaper is not updated (Fixed in Beta 2.)
On macOS 14.2 beta text is missing from the Settings tabs (Fixed in Somona 14.2 Beta 2)
On macOS 14.0+ if you open Settings from the menu bar menu the window will not be in the foreground (Apple bug - partially fixed in Sonoma 14.2 Beta 2.)
If you are a Setapp customer, you will need to disable your Setapp copy of 24 Hour Wallpaper from opening at startup. Be sure to open the Setapp version and disable Open at Login.