Aerial Screen Saver &
Magic Window Air Expansions
Expand your world with the Aerial Screen Saver and Magic Window Air Expansions. Aerial is simply the best screen saver that exists for Mac. Developed independently by Guillaume Louel, it brings the Apple TV screen saver to your Mac. We have partnered with Aerial to bring you these new expansions along with the free community videos now found in the app. For more on the Aerial project, visit the Github project page here.
Free. Open Source. 4K. Supports macOS 10.12+.
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Travel the world from the comfort of your desk with our premium expansions for Aerial. We offer over 8.5 hours of additional video for Aerial. For the best deal purchase the Aerial Expansion Bundle with all expansions. Requires Aerial for macOS (Windows not yet supported.)

About the Crew
Aerial video was captured by our sky master Hal Bergman with support from Lizzy Sutcliffe and Josh Michaels. All video was captured with a DJI Inspire 2 in compliance with all applicable flight rules.